Barry Bluestone is the Stearns Trustee Professor of Political Economy and Director of the Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy at Northeastern University.
Housing Report Cards
“Ten years ago we were commissioned to conduct a study on the Greater Boston housing market. At that time housing was thought to be the most important issue affecting economic development in the region. We produced our first report, A New Paradigm for Housing in Greater Boston. Today, housing remains critical, adding gravity to our annual updates called Housing Report Cards.”
The Importance of Accurate, Timely Data
“It’s essential that the data we analyze be of the highest quality for the purpose of our research. Since our Annual Report Card on housing is published in the Fall, we acquire a great deal of data in the summer — as close to the deadline as bearable — to get the most up-to-date information.”
Why The Warren Group?
“Our reports are data rich. We seek the very best information available. We rely on The Warren Group and work very closely with them, not only because they are the foremost data source for housing in Massachusetts, but for the extraordinary support they give us year after year.”
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